
Airports Differentiating Using Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can open up a world of opportunities as airports become more digitally connected and a wealth of data is created and collected. Airports now have an opportunity to differentiate by improving traveller experience, airline-operator experience and employee experience whilst simultaneously generating revenue opportunities and reducing cost.

What is already possible and what is coming?

Short Term Application Examples (Happening Now)

Medium and Long Term Application Examples

Getting Started

Incremental quick wins over "big bang" transformations

In the short term, airports should carefully craft implementation strategies that aim for incremental quick wins, whilst simultaneously envisioning potential long term applications to ensure that architectures and implementations are secure, cloud based and scalable. This will ensure that long term applications can be easily incorporated in the future. Security and privacy in the aviation industry are imperative, and a zero-trust, protected environment is immutable. An example architecture using the Microsoft Azure stack is below:

iot architecture

Identifying Opportunities - The Opportunity Catalogue

AI and IoT can be applied at every stage of a traveller’s journey (see below). AI Consulting Group’s unique approach can include an initial agile sprint to conduct an opportunity catalogue exercise help refine the airport technology strategy. Whilst advanced concepts like fully automated tarmacs are still years away, the secure cloud based technology needed is already available and being used for smart airport applications now. Airports who do not qualify and enable these architecture will quickly fall behind. Airports should map their revenue generating activities, costs, and customer experience pain points to the traveller journey to create a roadmap of opportunities (opportunity catalogue) that can transform the traveller, airline operator and employee experience. AI Consulting group is helping airports to get started by generating compelling business cases based on real return on investment (ROI) to remove the perceived cost barrier of implementing AI and IoT; taking into account ROI prioritised goals, timelines, and stakeholders to reduce uncertainty and encourage adoption.

traveller journey artificial intelligence

Typical Opportunity Catalogue Activities:

Typical Opportunity Catalogue Outputs:

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