
Strategic Data and AI Think Tank

Identify ROI-based Data and AI adoption opportunities and practical next steps toward successful implementation.

The Strategic Data and AI Think Thank is a 1-day think tank. A facilitated workshop with AI Consulting Group’s Management Consultant and Senior ML/AI Specialist with your organisation’s executives to align business value with AI opportunities. It provides an avenue to converge actionable priority lists, draw opportunity roadmap, identify business use cases and technology strategies to accelerate innovation progress.


The workshop is a technology-free, ideation session conducted by experienced facilitators. AI Consulting Group Specialists then overlay a technology lens of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, IoT, and Predictive Analytics to accelerate success. 


Our facilitators draw upon principles of design thinking to expose innovation through idea generation, interaction, and rapid prototyping.

Strategic Data and AI Think Tank:


    Strategic Data & AI Think Tank Workshop & Activities

    Opportunity and Innovation Workshop Introduction

    Data and AI Introduction

    Data Landscape Maturity Assessment – Workshop to understand quick wins and opportunities from a data perspective.

    Board Priority Identification.

    Business Priority Identification.

    Exploration with SMEs – Understand pain points and opportunities to exploit from the people that deal with them on a day-to-day basis.

    Top 10 Cost Drivers 

    Top 10 Revenue Drivers

    Wrap Up and Next Actions

    Opportunity Catalogue Presentation and Understanding Next Steps


    The Opportunity Roadmap identifies key Data & AI opportunities for the organisation. These range from ‘Very Easy’ to ‘Difficult’ opportunities with a number of options that will generate immediate ROIs and/or significant positive impact for the organisation. The idea is to choose the Opportunity Sweet Spot and leverage on good opportunities that will address needs within the business.


    It will address each opportunity and innovation idea, suggest how the problem could be solved using technology, data, and/or artificial intelligence. The suggested solutions will be presented in high level summaries including cost guides and technology requirements.

    Identify strategic data opportunities for your organization today.

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